Turnaround times can vary. Come by shop and talk to Will about shirts and hat options or supply your own. For RUSH service an additional 20% fee will apply.

  • Screen-Printing (15 Item Minimum, 14 days).

  • Direct To Film (15 Item Minimum, 7 days).

  • Heat Press (2-3 days, Single-Color).

  • Embroidery (14 day, One-time $25 Setup per Logo).

We can help narrow down your search with our network of custom swag manufacturers. Email us what you are looking for. Please keep some things in mind:

  • The best way to get the lowest cost per item is ordering more than the minimum.

  • Minimums vary based on manufacturer. Small items commonly have 50-250 as minimum quantities.

  • If you supply a single color or b/w logo we can avoid additional per color cost of screen and imprinting.